Friday, December 15, 2006


hmm, it's nice and hot down here, just like a desert should be i guess.
December 13
woke up at four am. changed, made sure everything was packed, wrapped some gifts for my youth group kids. panicked when i forgot to get something cheap for keith, but then daddy came to my rescue and asked if i wanted to give him a racquet. mom dropped us off at the ariport at 5:30. argg, way to early in the morning. feeling kinda airport sick. which, if you've never been, is pretty nasty- stomach churning like all day.
took a flight to minneapolis which went okay- i kindofslept the way there. got a 2hour layover in the minneapolis airport- which by the way is i think my favorite airport. it's like a mini mall type thing. we met up with Ryan, who's the top 18 and under boy in our great nation. he's kinda cocky and i really dont' trust him, but he can be funny. took a flight to arizona. listened to music- thanks to the music mylandra and katie provided with my newly burnt c.d.s. the guy in front of us was watching hitch on his laptop so i peeked over and watched some of it but i didn't hear any of the dialouge- that's how bored i was on that flight... got into arizona, had to wait for our luggage. had to wait for a van to pick us up...

finish this post later, gtg shower. XOXO


katelynn said...

well you're there! keep us posted on how it's going...good luck! oh and keith totally loved his he was like omigoodness haha it was funny.

*gracie* said...

heyy hunn! i miss u sooo much, i hope ur having a fun